Thursday, December 16, 2010

Reasonable vs Extraordinary

I have been sick since Sunday night but still, I went to work on Monday and left early to get some rest. I woke up on Tuesday and decided that I didn't want to miss our annual Holiday luncheon and white elephant game so I made myself get up despite not feeling 100%. I didn't do my daily run knowing my cough would get worse with the cold air at night. I woke up yesterday morning and felt like I got hit by a bus, my cough was so bad that drinking orange juice burned as it went down. I decided to do the right thing and stay home to rest up so I can fight this sickness and be done with it.

I woke up this morning and although I am still not feeling well, I felt so much better than yesterday I came into work. I was talking with a co-worker from Dallas and to my surprise, I told her that I wanted to be better by Saturday because I didn't want to miss running the 8 miles with the team.  WHAT!? Yes, that was me and no I was not taking medication! 2 months ago, there was no way you would've ever heard that statement coming from me. I was the teenager in jr. high and high school that made up excuses to avoid running! Go figure! I enjoy the Saturday runs with the team, we motivate each other and we are all there for the same reason!

So this afternoon I received my weekly coach's email from Kiley. Every week we get the week's logistics, what to expect and bits of useful information to help and motivate us for our training.  This week's email was AWESOME!  Below is an excerpt from the email: 

Reasonable vs Extraordinary
You are all incredible, selfless, exceptional people.  Below, see a little exploration on those with ability versus those who give that extra effort…

“Eighty percent of success is showing up.”
-Woody Allen
As coaches some people approach us and ask about “what it takes” for a person to complete endurance events.  I have been thinking about this long and hard for years now and here is what I’ve come up with…
Woody Allen’s quote above sums it up quite elegantly… truly, the toughest step in any training program is the first step out the front door.  It is the same with fundraising; the toughest part is mailing the letter(s), sending the email(s) and opening your mouth to ask people for help to save the lives of others.  Contrary to popular belief, the people who take that first step out the door (consistently) and open their hearts to ask for fundraising dollars are no different from anyone else.  Those who have succeeded on our teams over the past 5-years have rarely been blessed with more ability than those who have failed.  They simply made a choice to have their “reasons” take a backseat to the “needs” of those living life with blood-cancer.
Someone blessed with God-given talent is not halfway there.  You have likely heard the stories about someone who heard about a marathon two weeks before it happened, went for two-three training runs, and then completed the full marathon.  What you didn’t hear was that they had trouble walking normally for the better part of a month afterward.  That they may have completed the event in 4-hours, 30-minutes, but it was a selfish & foolish act filled with pride.  They did something for themselves, often to prove they could to someone less talented who had trained for months and months to get ready.  I’ve heard about these stories and it makes me sad.  Quite the same are the other athletes who have ability, who do sign up for a fundraising program and training program, yet never begin their fundraising.  They often drop out with a very casual, “oh well, I guess I was too busy this time around, maybe next time.”  They were not too busy.  They never make the choice, the decision to begin.  Too busy essentially means “not important enough to me”.  The lives of those suffering are not important to them?  I believe too much in the human spirit to accept that explanation.  It is too reasonable.  Reasonability kills dreams.  Reasonability suffocates that which a person wants most in life, the realization of a dream…
Main Entry: rea·son·abil·i·ty
Pronunciation: "rEz-n&-'bi-l&-tE
Function: noun
1a: being in accordance with reason (comprehending or thinking in orderly rational ways)
1b: not extreme or excessive
Take an ordinary human.  Add a dream.  Add the desire to do something for those less fortunate.  With hard work and a commitment to break themselves up and rebuild themselves into something they previously didn’t think was possible (what else do you call a dream?), you have someone performing an extraordinary act.  Ordinary plus a little extra (effort).  You are all extraordinary in our eyes…
Main Entry: ex·traor·di·nary
Pronunciation: ik-'stror-d&-"ner-E, "ek-str&-'or-
Function: adjective

1a: going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary
1b: exceptional to a very marked extent
To sum things up, there is no “right time” or “perfect moment” to do anything you dream about in life.  You either seize what is in front of you and turn it into something exceptional, extraordinary and magical or you live a life confined by very rational, normal and logical reasons.
You are all on the precipice of something special.  The next 2+ months will not be easy, but what they will be is very rewarding, very worthwhile and when you see the looks on the faces of the families you have helped give hope, you will look back on any moment you thought of quitting and laugh.
Welcome to the life of your dreams, where you can be saving lives, one mile at a time…

I have never been more motivated to continue on this journey than I am now.  Every dollar, every mile and every drop of sweat will be worth it in the end! 

Thank you Coach Kiley for inspiring us!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Hard Knock Hill

Hill training starts next Tuesday...wish me luck!

Here is the poem from Coach Kiley on the invite. Love it!

TNT athlete come one come all
To the rise on the road that makes the faint of heart fall
'Tis the time here and now to see if you will
Have the courage to conquer ol' Hard Knock Hill

Your legs will be powerful your spirit stout
As you cast aside the demons of that nagging self doubt
This isn't a stroll through the park or soft glade
But a place where sturdy endurance athletes are made

Each week you come one hill repeat we'll add
At the end of seven weeks your legs will be glad
And so will your heart as it will grow strong
Come build a foundation to walk and run long......


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Who I run for

In memory of
Joi Lanai Castro

August 1985 - February 2007
Primary cancer: Sarcoma
Metastatic Pulmonary Soft-Tissue Sarcoma

Saturday, December 4, 2010

South Pasadena High 5k/10k Tiger Run

Completed a 5k with the team this morning. It was awesome running with the team. Tony (not my hubby) and I pretty much stuck together and finished the race! We rock Tony, we both shaved minutes off of our pace assessment 5k!

Almost at my goal and it feels great! Once I get there, I can really focus on my training! Don't get me wrong, I love making pumpkin rolls, but I will be glad when I won't stay up til 11 and 12 pm baking =)

Here is a picture with a few of my teammates, Liz, Judit and Monica before the race this morning!

Happy trails!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thanksgiving weekend

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with their loved ones.  I am truly blessed for the wonderful family and friends that have shown their support in my endeavor.

This was the weekend to run off all the turkey and goodies I had consumed since Wednesday!  The team met at the Rose Bowl for a 4 mile run on the trails.  I didn't run with my team this weekend, but do not fret, I ran a 5k for my husband's band and pageantry program, the 8th annual Taco Mambo Fun Run/Walk.  The course was in Montebello, CA with several hills.  I finished in 46.10; not bad considering all the hills!

This weekend, the team will be running a 5k for the South Pasadena High School Athletic Club.  The course is in South Pasadena, pretty flat course.  I can't wait to see my time!

In the meantime, here are some photos from the Spring Kick off to our first team run!

Happy Trails!


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Week 3

We run rain or shine! 

Ran at the Rose Bowl today and did 5.09 miles in 65 minutes.  Thankfully it didn't start pouring until after we finished. Perfect weather to run in, minus the puddles and wet feet ;)

Now to dry off and stay warm...more baking to do, pumpkin rolls, here I come!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pace Groups

Training went well today. Our training was to run for 55 minutes.  Run out 27 1/2 minutes turn around and run back to the starting point. I was placed in the 17 minute pace group; coach gave us run:walk ratio's. Mine was run 1 minute, walk 1 minute.  Let me tell you, this helped me tremendously. Not only did I beat my time last week, I ran  4.31 miles in 52 minutes!  My legs were not as tired as usual and I ended up getting back to the starting point in about 24 minutes.

Fundraising is coming along, but I have a ways to go to reach my goal, so tonight I am hosting a parent's night out. $20/child from 6 - 10 pm.

This should make for an interesting night...crayons, Toy Story 3 and spaghetti await us!

Saving lives, one mile at a time!


Monday, November 8, 2010

Team Training

Just now getting around to updating my blog. I had my pace assessment on Saturday at La Canada High School just north of the Rose Bowl.  We all met at 7:30, took pictures for the website, signed additional waivers for the school, listened to the coaches and volunteer staff reminding each one of why we were there.

One of the volunteer staff, Jennifer is the mother of a 5 year old little girl who will be having a bone marrow transplant this week.  She got up to speak and was very emotional, but thanked each one of us that was there for committing our time to this great cause.  Katrina has had health problems since birth due to chromosomal abnormalities. At the age of 3 1/2 she was diagnosed with leukemia and after years of trying to fight this disease with medication and blood transfusions, the need for a bone marrow transplant arose.  With the grace of the almighy, she found a match in 3 months.  As a mother, I became emotional hearing of her struggles and to hear that she has a little boy, who as well was born with chromosomal abnormalities, who is at risk of getting leukemia.  They get up everyday and are thankful for a new day. 

When I first signed up, it was a goal of mine to complete a marathon and to cross the finish line.  I thought, what a great way to get the training as well as fundraise for a great cause.  Because of Katrina, Tyler and Virginia, my new goal is to not complain or whine during my training or during the 1/2 marathon.  If they can get up everyday and fight for their lives without so much as a complaint about having chemo or radiation or the pain of a bone marrow transplant or any of the complications that arise, I can suck it up and complete the marathon for them!

So with that being said, I ran 3.1 miles in 44:58! Tonight I will be doing my easy 30 minute run at Schurr High School or any high school that has stadium lights.

Happy trails!


Friday, November 5, 2010

Week 1

So I officially started my training on Monday with a trip to the gym. I jumped on the treadmill and ran 2.55 miles in 30 minutes. Tuesday was pretty much the same; 2.77 miles in 30 minutes.  I thought to myself, this is pretty easy, I can do this.

Well, last night there was an unofficial team training at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. Brisk 1/4 mile walk to warm up and then an easy 30 minute run. I met a fellow team mate, Judit, who is also a first timer with TNT. We quickly became friends and learned that we live in neighboring cities.  We decided to exchange numbers and train together once a week at a local high school track.

Judit and I stuck together for the first part of the run. Since it was my first time out to the Rose Bowl, Coach Kiley suggested that I run 15 minutes, turn around and run back to our starting point.  Let me tell you, running outdoors is definately a lot different than running on a treadmill that provides a nice bounce to your step.  Add the cold air and my lungs felt like it was burning.  Yea, I will now pass on the gym, unless necessary, and train outdoors.

I am happy today is Friday and an off day of training to let my body rest.  Pace assessment is first thing on Saturday morning at La Canada High School.

Hope you have a wonderful Friday!

Happy trails...


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kick-off Event @ Veterans Building in Culver City

Hi All!

I attended the kick-off event today in Culver City! It was such an awesome event with fundraising ideas, sponsors and fellow teammates in training.

I finally met my mentor, Bertha; run coach Kiley; campaign manager, Lindsey among others.  Most especially, I met Virginia, our Honored teammate!

Lots of people where there for many different reasons; in honor of a loved one who is battling or has lost their battle with Leukemia or Lymphoma; or someone like me who wants to help a worthwhile cause.  Our journey has just begun and I can't wait to get our training started on November 6th!

If you haven't already done so, please check out my fundraising page and make a donation! It will help make a difference in someone's life!


Sunday, October 24, 2010


Thought I'd get a head start on my training and went to 24 Hour Fitness in Arcadia this morning before 7:30 am and jumped on the treadmill :).
At the suggestion of one of my coaches, I ran for 30 minutes; ended up running 1.87 miles.

So I've reached the 8% mark thanks to:
Mindi Hay, Diana Campos, Tere Garcia, Linh Hang and Fang Vilaylak

THANK YOU ladies for your donations, it really is appreciated. Only 2 more months to get the remaining 92%!

Monday, October 18, 2010

1st donation!

Received my first donation yesterday thanks to Jenny Siewert!

Thanks Jenny!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Getting started

Getting my blog started...Training starts on November 6th.

In the meantime, you can make a donation on my website:

Don't be shy, check it out and make a donation!