Monday, November 8, 2010

Team Training

Just now getting around to updating my blog. I had my pace assessment on Saturday at La Canada High School just north of the Rose Bowl.  We all met at 7:30, took pictures for the website, signed additional waivers for the school, listened to the coaches and volunteer staff reminding each one of why we were there.

One of the volunteer staff, Jennifer is the mother of a 5 year old little girl who will be having a bone marrow transplant this week.  She got up to speak and was very emotional, but thanked each one of us that was there for committing our time to this great cause.  Katrina has had health problems since birth due to chromosomal abnormalities. At the age of 3 1/2 she was diagnosed with leukemia and after years of trying to fight this disease with medication and blood transfusions, the need for a bone marrow transplant arose.  With the grace of the almighy, she found a match in 3 months.  As a mother, I became emotional hearing of her struggles and to hear that she has a little boy, who as well was born with chromosomal abnormalities, who is at risk of getting leukemia.  They get up everyday and are thankful for a new day. 

When I first signed up, it was a goal of mine to complete a marathon and to cross the finish line.  I thought, what a great way to get the training as well as fundraise for a great cause.  Because of Katrina, Tyler and Virginia, my new goal is to not complain or whine during my training or during the 1/2 marathon.  If they can get up everyday and fight for their lives without so much as a complaint about having chemo or radiation or the pain of a bone marrow transplant or any of the complications that arise, I can suck it up and complete the marathon for them!

So with that being said, I ran 3.1 miles in 44:58! Tonight I will be doing my easy 30 minute run at Schurr High School or any high school that has stadium lights.

Happy trails!


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