Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kick-off Event @ Veterans Building in Culver City

Hi All!

I attended the kick-off event today in Culver City! It was such an awesome event with fundraising ideas, sponsors and fellow teammates in training.

I finally met my mentor, Bertha; run coach Kiley; campaign manager, Lindsey among others.  Most especially, I met Virginia, our Honored teammate!

Lots of people where there for many different reasons; in honor of a loved one who is battling or has lost their battle with Leukemia or Lymphoma; or someone like me who wants to help a worthwhile cause.  Our journey has just begun and I can't wait to get our training started on November 6th!

If you haven't already done so, please check out my fundraising page and make a donation! It will help make a difference in someone's life!


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