Friday, November 5, 2010

Week 1

So I officially started my training on Monday with a trip to the gym. I jumped on the treadmill and ran 2.55 miles in 30 minutes. Tuesday was pretty much the same; 2.77 miles in 30 minutes.  I thought to myself, this is pretty easy, I can do this.

Well, last night there was an unofficial team training at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. Brisk 1/4 mile walk to warm up and then an easy 30 minute run. I met a fellow team mate, Judit, who is also a first timer with TNT. We quickly became friends and learned that we live in neighboring cities.  We decided to exchange numbers and train together once a week at a local high school track.

Judit and I stuck together for the first part of the run. Since it was my first time out to the Rose Bowl, Coach Kiley suggested that I run 15 minutes, turn around and run back to our starting point.  Let me tell you, running outdoors is definately a lot different than running on a treadmill that provides a nice bounce to your step.  Add the cold air and my lungs felt like it was burning.  Yea, I will now pass on the gym, unless necessary, and train outdoors.

I am happy today is Friday and an off day of training to let my body rest.  Pace assessment is first thing on Saturday morning at La Canada High School.

Hope you have a wonderful Friday!

Happy trails...


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