Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Almost there!

Well family and friends, race day is only 4 days away.  I am getting excited and nervous, but I am positive I will cross that finish line with my hands held up high in victory!  With the help of my family, coaches, mentors, support staff and teammates, there is no way I can fail!

I want to thank everyone that has supported me on my journey to the finish line.  Without the love, emotional support, encouragement and monetary donations, this would not be possible. I have met some awesome people during this time and I know that we will be lifelong friends! My running partners, Tony and Claudia, you two are awesome! Thanks for the laughs and encouragement throughout the many miles we have ran together.  Bertha and Manny, thanks for always being there to lend an ear and give encouragement along the way.  Coaches, Kiley, Pete, Juan and Ryan, your words of wisdom, training and training tips have helped me immensely and I will be forever grateful to you all!

Here are just a few photos from my journey...more photos will be posted after the big day!

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