Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Reflections on 2010 and Happy 2011

So it’s officially 2011 and I guess this is usually that time where people reflect on the past year and make resolutions for the new one, so… here it goes:

2010 was a blur… lots of good and bad but mostly good.  

  • I began running… I mean seriously running. This was due to me signing up with The Leukemia & Lymphoma's Team in Training program.  
  • I caved in and started this blog so that everyone that cares, can follow me on this journey.
  •  The company I work for made the decision to lay-off some employees; we lost a lot of great friends and co-workers. I remain thankful that I still have my job, a roof over my head, a car to drive and food to sustain my family.  
  • I ran a 5k for my pace assessment at the beginning of November and then another two in a span of 2 weeks at the end of November.  
  • Logged in weekly running, x-training and hill training. Thanks to the cardio trainer application on my android phone, I logged in a total of 46.1 miles since November 1st and so far in 2011 I have 12.1 miles logged. 
  • I made a decision to get my California Adjuster's License and have started studying. 
  • I spent money… blah blah blah :)
  • Yeah… lots of stuff. There's a lot more to mention, but I won't ;)
I would have to say it was a good year, yes, a very good year indeed.

I’m not usually one for resolutions though…since they usually fall through within the first couple of weeks. Although I would not call this a resolution, I have signed up for my first EVER 1/2 marathon on Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 6th. I also plan on signing up for the LA Marathon on March 20th.  Team in Training is a wonderful way to get the training, moral support and encouragement all while fundraising to help save the lives of blood cancer patients. If you want to make a donation, please visit my site: http://pages.teamintraining.org/los/surfcity11/lcastroq1u
The summer season is starting up; don't pass up this opportunity to achieve something great at the same time, save lives! Check out http://www.teamintraining.org/ for more information or to sign up!  

Here are some lessons learned on my own and through others:

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