Friday, March 25, 2011

I'm Back!!!!

Hi All,

I am officially back with Team In Training's Fall Season which kicks off on Saturday, May 14th! Although I am an alumni, I am back with the team as a member of the support staff.  I will be mentoring new teammates and providing support to them at every step of the way.  I had such a wonderful experience from my mentor, Bertha, that I thought I would pay it forward.  Bertha was a constant motivator, always checking in to see how I was doing, if I needed any help/ideas with fundraising and was just generally enthusiastic, even at 6:30 in the morning!  I hope that I can be as supportive to others as she was to me!  Our coaches were awesome, always providing training tips and encouragement.  They did an awesome job getting us all ready for our races.

With that being said, my fundraising journey will begin again! I hope that all of my donors last season can dig into their pockets again and support a worthwhile cause!  Last season our San Gabriel Valley team raised over $113K.  That money is making a difference in the patient's and their families lives at this very moment.  I will be updating my blog just as soon as I have my fundraising page up.  In the meantime, checks are always welcome! Please make checks payable to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and mail to 4937 Willmonte Ave. Temple City, CA 91780 or call me and I will be happy to pick it up!

Let's give patients like Virginia, Tyler and Katrina, who is scheduled for her bone marrow transplant next month, hope that one day soon, there will be a cure to these deadly cancers.

If you want to join the fight, visit or call/email me for more information and I will help get you signed up!  It will change your life forever!

With much love!
